Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Family home evening adventures

Tonight was fun. For our activity, RHBen had us play a game called signs. It was so craxy. Talmage and I were sitting next to each other, and we kept talking to each other, and he couldn't pay attention to see if his sign was being said, so then he kept blaming me for missing it. It was really funny. This game ended in an attempt to tell a fictitious story, then a game of honor code spin the bottle, where we hugged instead of kissed. It was me, Talmage, Wayne, Tim, this guy named Joe, Elizabeth, Roxy, Andrea, and this awesome guy named Dan(the same one who danced at me). Anyways, we played for a while, and it was great hugging. It got my endorphins pumping! Then we sort of migrated into the cougar cove. We talked about lots of stuff, then we started playing truth or truth. After some awesome questions, Tim asked me who I would make my valintine in our FHE family, including Andrea and Orson Scott Card. I said everyone, then someone said I couldn't say everyone, so I got the option of top three, so I said the only guys from our family, Tim Talmage and RHBen. Then Roxy made me do the Throw off a cliff make out and Marry. So in code I said my answers, then Joe was like "what? You're going to throw tim off a cliff, marry Ben, and make out with Talmage?" Really loud and it was... interesting. Then Tim started doing the fake crying, and I said there would be a big pillow down there, and Talmage said it would be made of humming bird feathers, which started a whole new conversation. Then we stayed there for many hours, and ended up leaving at midnight. This was a record for loitering after family home eavining time. All in all, it was a fantastically fun night. Horray!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fun Dance

Last night was the stake dance, and let me just say I haven't had that much fun at a dance in a VERY long time, possibly even ever. We did a bunch of line dances that we lerned for family home evening, and I felt truly mormon. It was so great to wear pants instead of a skirt, because you can dance so much more freely. This kid Dan who is really awesome came up and danced sort of at me, and it was really fun. I have never been asked to dance by other people before. I danced with Blane, RHBen, Talmage, Morgan, Thane, and Kevin. They were all really fun. When Ben and I were dancing, we were really close, so it was wierd to look at him. I would talk to him facing left or right, but eventually I got comfortable with it. During one of the swing songs, Talmage taught me this cool step that you do side by side with someone, and I discovered that it is very dangerous to dance next to him. He kicked like ten people just in that one song. He was also wearing his all white gangsa outfit with a dew rag and hat. He is so wierd. Anyways, it was always fun to be in different circles of people, because there was always a different kind of energy. Wayne was the... most intertaining person to watch. Tim was there, and I guess he isn't much of a dancer, because it didn't look like he was having much fun, and he left sometime through. After the dance, we all loitered around and talked, and I mentioned that I was so hot that I wanted to roll around in the snow, so RHBen was like, OK, and he started pulling me towards the door. Then on our way we saw some other people from our family, and he started convincing them to go with us. We stood there for a while, and I decided to go without him, or else I was going to cool down too much to do it. So Roxy and I went outside and ran around in the snow without any shoes on. I never knew people were serious when they said its like being stabbed in the foot when walking through snow, but it really does feel like that. Anyways, we all went over to T Hall and hung out till 1:30. That was really nice and fun and relaxing. Then when the boys were kicked out, Roxy and I went upstairs and watched the extras of Talladega Nights until 2:00. Thus concluded our very fun day.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Planetarium, Pizza, and more

My FHE dad, Blane, asked me on a date for Friday night, where we all went to the Brick Oven, then to the planetarium show in the ESC. who was there you say? In couple order: Blane and I, Roxy and Talmage, RHB and this girl Racheal, David Romney and this girl Ginny. We had sooo much fun. The pizza we had was so incredibly tasty! The stars being projected onto the dome ceiling were so beautiful, and the guy presenting also gave us a slideshow on the life of a star. It was so interesting and fun. Then afterwards we played with all the scientific toys that are in the ESC. We were in there for like, two hours. Then we went back to the Morris Center, and the group whittled down until it ended up being me, Roxy, Talmage, and Ben. We stayed in there, laying on the floor until about 1:30. It was so fun, and it was the first BYU date that the boy asked me on, which was a welcome change.
On Saterday, Roxy bought the game Cooties. We invited Tim to play with us at about 4, and he ended up staying with us for the rest of the day. We went to Caleb and Holly's house to play Mario, and Tim wasn't too bad. Then he came to Rick and Shelley's and had dinner and watched about 1,000 episodes of the Office with us.
Today has been fun, but it isn't over, so I guess I'll write about it later.