Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Provo sweet Provo

OK, I'm back in Provo, and it's been pretty chill, yet I've gotten a lot done. Leesa and I got books yesterday, paid tuition, and went shopping, among other fun things. Today I got my background check started for the El Ed application process, which includes getting my fingerprints taken. It was fun, and it was the guy's first time doing it, so he had a bit of a rough time getting the machine to read my prints right. It was awesome. I also got free breakfast at work this morning, leftovers from a staff thing.
I wrote Tim last night, which I haven't done for about a month. It was fun, and I think he's a nice boy. Today Lord Hecklepeck wrote me, and I wrote him back, but it was intentionally boring. I'm trying to make it so he won't want to write me back, because the only way I'll stop is if he stops first. Is my logic faulty? It's fun to talk to him, but it's hard, you know? So I figure I'll wait until I meet all the guys in my ward, then see what happens.
Shout out to Shelley. My first day back in Provo, I already missed you. Tickets for the World of Dance went on sale, and my cultural events buddy is gone. =( But you were totally right about John Mayer's Contiuum. Boomshadow!
I got a haircut today, and I love it. Pictures shall follow shortly.

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