Thursday, July 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

Not too many very exciting things have happened to me lately, but I am loving this summer. The pace, the activities, the company... And I am feeling more grown up than I expected to. We had another couple in our ward come over, and we played games. We had a married person night with other married people. Maybe the novelty will wear off someday, but for now it's fun.

The classroom is coming along nicely. I've got my cricket letters (thanks Holly!), my vel crow tape, and my empty soup cans- the perfect combo for an elementary school classroom. It's hard to think that a month from Pioneer day I will have a room full of 3rd graders.

I would also like to put in my thoughts on the temple. I always knew I would love it, but it's even more incredible than I imagined. And yet, so familiar. And yet, I still have so much to learn, and I can feel it every time I go. For a person who's been endowed less than three months, I think I've been to a wide variety of temples: Redlands, San Diego, Columbia River, Provo, Mt. Timp, Boise, and in a couple days, Draper. Each one is different, each one is beautiful, and each one has the Spirit. And I'm glad I get to share it all with my wonderful husband.

In less than a month, I will be gone from SAS custodial forever. It's been good to me, but I believe its time has passed.

I want to say that I am so glad I didn't have texting as a student. I think it is so rude when people do it in class, but I know I would have. Thanks Mom and Dad from saving me from myself. But just for the record, I really really love texting.


Zotz said...

Hi Julie. I love you.

Henri said...

nice blog