It's such a joke to pretend like I could catch up after the last six months in just one blog post, so I'll pretend like everyone who would be reading this already knows what's been going on in my life. I won't lie and say I'm embarrassed that I haven't written in so long, because I've been busy enough to justify myself.
Of course, I've been doing my school blog, which also made me feel fulfilled in the blogging world.
Anyways, nostalgia has been creeping into my life for no real reason. Maybe it's because I feel like things are slowing down now that my Teacher Work Sample is over. I hope it's not because I feel that my life is getting boring. It definitely is not boring. I'm doing the things that I love with the people I love.
My friend is throwing a surprise 3/4 birthday party for her husband on Saturday. That rocks!
Corbin and I went mattress shopping for a bit today, and I'm having a hard time making the decision to commit. My back just does not agree with this firm mattress, but what if we spend hundreds of dollars on another mattress that I think I like, but ends up hurting me after a while? I never had back problems with any of my single housing mattresses... how ironic. I wish a mattress would magically appear that didn't hurt me, and I wouldn't have to make a decision. Oh well.
Corbin's dad gave us a Costco card as a gift, and I can't wait to use it. His dad is so generous. I like him. I think the first thing I want to get from that place is the stuffed pasta Mom got me when we went a few weeks ago. I just can't stop thinking about those tasty things.
I am tired of my house looking like we moved in a week ago, meaning that I think I'm going to go on a decorating spree (or at least begin the process with the funds that I have). Here are my first plans:
- curtains for the windows. I don't want them to block any actual light, seeing as out basement gets very dark very easily. I just need a splash of color.
- picture frames for our pictures and posters. They're cute, they just need to look presentable.
- pictures to put in frames. We have some cool frames, but no pictures cool enough that will fit. (and another thing I'm excited about Costco for: printing pictures)
- fix up our dresser. I'm going to paint it, and get new handles for it. My sock drawer is missing a handle. Those handle-less days must end.
- new floor lamp that isn't missing a lamp shade and looks tacky. The one we have has been through a lot with me, and been through 7 different apartments. It's done me good, but it's time to retire.
-couch cover, if I can figure out how to craft one. There is no way I could find one that is 9 feet long and three feet tall.
If I could have my dream, I would paint these bland white walls, but I'd hate to have to paint it back a year later. I've got to find the balance between being happy with my surroundings, and realizing that we won't be here for long, in the grand scheme of things.
PS: if anyone feels like a good decorator (like knowing how to position pictures on the wall to look good, or organizing furniture in an aesthetically pleasing way), come and experiment on my house. I know we've got potential here, I just am not very good at this sort of thing. Man. What will it be like when I have a real house?

Also, I am really excited to get fit. I've got lots going for me that will hopefully motivate me. I started Even Stronger Than Yesterday, because competition is good for this sort of thing, and it worked really well for me last time (I also was about to get married, so the motivation might be a little different this time around). The Rex Lee run is coming up soon, which I am super excited for. Does anyone know if we can sign up yet? And Nebo District does the Hershey Track Meet every year, and we're going to start training on Monday (if weather permits). Even though I don't compete, I still want to be a good example to my kids. Plus I just like to run.
Excellent blog - I really appreciate your blog
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Making a home is not an easy thing.You are going to start your life.You need to make the four walled room to a Good Home.All the Best.
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ya a sweet site a i love it
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