Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This three day weekend was kind of roller-coastery. It was way fun, a tad intense, sort of lonely, a bit stressful, and emotions were running on high. Ward temple trip, ward ice skating trip, watching movie after movie, going to Shelley's house (thanks for saving me from my movies!), going to Holly's house (thanks for secreting with me; very cathartic), and Zupa's and the canyon with Jaren. Not nearly enough homework getting done, but that's to be expected. I feel like I just need to step away from life for a while. Maybe work can help me out with that.

PS: We finally played with the huge parachute today!

1 comment:

Zotz said...

What a great gift to see your beautiful face.

Wow, what a weekend. Homework, is that really necessary? Oh wait, I'm the mommy. Homework first, then fun. I think that's the order:-)