Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rex Lee Run!!!

So Shelley was such a sport today. She and Rick came to watch me dance in dance sport. But we didn't get called back. I looked up at the clock and it said 8:45, just enough time to get ready for the race at 9:15! So I went and found Shelley, and after a little pressure, got her to come run. We met at the starting place, and started a few minutes behind. Guess what Holly? I got a DOUBLE HIGH-FIVE from COSMO!!! He was running past and I screamed out his name. It was glorious! So we finished the race in about 40 minutes. Not bad for first timers! I'm so happy that I got to do the run with Shelley before she moves away forever. And I just realized something, we can totally count this for mile war. Hence... Mile War: 31.5


Zotz said...

I love the picture of my sporty girls. I am thrilled that you had this adventure together and extra thrilled that you got to mingle with Cosmo. Wow, with your etch-a-sketch skills and your Cosmo celebrity status, what's next?

Julie said...

Funny story, I sent this picture to Tim, but I photoshopped a censor on my legs.

Zotz said...

How thoughtful of you, you are such a babe!!!