Monday, April 06, 2009

Conference Weekend

This weekend was pretty much spectacular, mostly because of the company I got to enjoy. Friday was Steve's birthday, and I don't know about him, but I had a great time. A bunch of us went to Maglbey Fresh (I think that's what it's called) and had fun eating great food and being with great friends. Afterwards we all went back to the Pirate's for some birthday cake. Rainbow chip with fun-fetti frosting, Steve's favorite. It was delectable. After that everybody ditched out, so Steve and I had a nice evening alone. I gave him some gifts: some socks(to replace his holy ones), some pens(to replace the one's he has lost during our relationship), and some Curve(to give him more confidence). I was glad to hear he liked them.
Then Saturday I woke up and my face was broken! Well, mostly my eyes. They were all red and puffy and watery and dry (oxymoronic, I know). It was awful. So I laid on the couch and slept through most of the first session. Oops! So I took a shower and felt much better. Steve came over for the second session and we listened to it on the radio. Dinner was involved sometime after. I'm sure we did other grand things, but they are slipping my mind... drat.
Anyways, Sunday I went to the Pirate's and enjoyed John Deere's home-made cinnamon rolls while listening to conference. Between sessions I got lots of coloring done for class, and stomped Steve at connect 4 (but don't worry folks, he stomped me right back later that night). He came to Grandma's house and we hung out for a good while over there. Shelby and Cari are just too much fun to handle, and we all decided that Kevin is now 24, so congrats to Shelby for catching an older man. =D When we got home, Steve helped me measure a tree for math homework, then we shared art projects with Barbara (not quite sure how that came to pass). I made Steve promise to help me get to bed earlier this week, so against my liking he helped me get to sleep at a reasonable time. But not before some sweetness on his part, and some secret Japanese dancing on mine. Maybe all that sleep isn't so good for me though, because I dreamed I was pregnant with triplets... strange...

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