Monday, April 05, 2010

Life Thusfar

I know it has been a while, and plenty has happened since last I wrote. For heaven's sake, my last practicum happened! And for those who don't know, it went amazingly. I think I was converted to the upper grades, but that may only be because I fell in love with my mentor teacher. I cannot say enough about how magical she made my practicum. The kids were great and wonderful and hilarious, but Stephanie was the icing on the cake. That may all seem creepy, but I will really miss working with her.
I had my internship interview last Monday, and got a job! I'll be teaching 3rd grade for Larsen Elementary in Spanish Fork. I cannot believe how excited I am to have my own classroom and my own students and everything. It's amazingly overwhelming, but it will be a great experience.
Because I know my next year of life is secured, it has squelched the last embers of desire to do well in my classes. The common mentality in my cohort is that we already have jobs, and it doesn't matter how we do these last few weeks as long as we scrape by. Yes, I am one of the masses. I am trying to at least stumble across the finish line, but no promises for anything better than that. It's all very surreal, actually, knowing that these are my last days as a BYU campus goer. I feel like I should be drinking it all in, but at the same time, I just want to get away.
And the pinnacle of all reasons that I want this semester to end: getting married to the love of my life. No, not pink milk, not ping pong, not even MASH. That's right, the great Corbini, Corb-star, Corbina. Corbin has made this past school year such a wonderful experience, and I hope I've made it the same for him. We've only got less than a month to go, and we are so excited. There are still things to be done, but the business in that aspect will help the time to go faster, I think.
In less exciting news, I had oral surgery on Friday, and I am healing up nicely. Corbin and I have also been sick all weekend, but it feels like things are looking up and we're on the mend.
I hope some of this distractedness will settle down at least until school ends, then I will allow myself to lose my mind. So please, however comes in contact with me, don't judge if I'm a little mean or crazy. Just blame it on all the stuff I have going on. Also blame the hormones. =)

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