Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Memory Dump (Feb. 14-ish)

I've realized my method for writing posts is this: I look through my photos, and whatever they remind me that we did, I write about.  Here it goes!

I've been working on my Etsy business lately.  I've spiffed up my online look, drawn some new pictures, and fixed up my listings.  The most exciting bit is a giveaway hosted by Mandy at Chocolate and Cream Cake (it starts tomorrow, so get excited!)

I see now that even if my business doesn't boom, I love having it.  It feels good to do something and make it my own.  I like having something that is just for me (not me and the baby, although he tries to help with the drawing... that stinker).

Speaking of stinker, he's a bad influence on his best friend Ava. She got to play with us yesterday, and he convinced her to play a trick on me.  They unloaded all the clean clothes from my drawer and filled it with dirty laundry.  Of course, I did watch the whole thing and thought it was really cute, so I suppose it's all right.

They also had an eating contest during lunch time.  Neither of them could stop, because they saw the other still eating.  It was quite funny.  Get some meat on them bones!


Last week was full of fun.  Me, Theo, and the upstairs ladies went on a walk when it was "warm." Leslie had the presence of mind to actually bring carrots and apples like we've been planning to do since August. We got to feed the emo horse (thusly named because his mane is always in his eyes, and he doesn't even care), and the babies thought it was great, but also scary. We'll have to do it more often so that it can be just great.

For our Valentines date, Corbin and I went to Lot 10, pictured above... obviously.  There was a free improve night going on, and I was surprised at how many laughs I had.  The line that sticks with me is, "I shushed like I've never shushed before." So good.

Then we went to our go-to dessert spot, Collegetown Bagels. 

Look how much fun I was having!

Just seeing these cheesecakes makes my mouth water.  I can't wait for our next excuse to go there!

I can't deny, the highlight of Valentine's Day was the mail we got from Jack and Lucy Flanagan. They were so cute, and the tattoos were awesome!

Theo tried to pull it off of his skin for a while, but gave up after he realized how awesome it is to have Phineas and Ferb on your arm!

1 comment:

teridmama said...

Fun times and fun pictures! Thanks for sharing honey! Love you guys!!