Monday, February 11, 2013

My Valentine

Last night, I was contemplating my piece for writers club this month.  The theme is love, and I had some pretty good stuff planned out. 

After this morning, I've decided to change the trajectory of my piece a little.  I'm totally in love with my husband, and here's one reason...

This morning, Theo decided to wake up at five and be a total grump until nine when he finally went down again.  I went back to bed, just as Corbin was getting up.  I was glad he'd gotten rest, since he'd been a big sicky all weekend.

When I woke up around 11:30, I heard my boys playing in the living room.  Then I heard some scuffling in the hallway, and saw two faces smile around the corner at me.

Corbin was showered and shaved, and the baby had a new outfit on.  I got up feeling a whole lot better, but I was about to have my socks knocked off.

While I was asleep, Corbin had completely cleaned the kitchen.  He'd done dishes, he'd wiped counters, he'd even mopped up the dried-on raisin bran that had been on the floor for a few days (it was a long week, guys).

As a bonus, Corbin had even straightened up the bathroom and cleaned the toilet. Then when Theo woke up, they played so I could keep sleeping. 

I am even more in love with that man than ever. 

1 comment:

teridmama said...

What a good boy!