Friday, March 01, 2013

Corbin Scared the Tears out of me

This is a sight I see quite a lot.  Theo peeking at me around a corner or through a doorway with Corbin's help.Usually, I love it and think it's really cute.

However, today I did not think it was either. Here's the story.

Corbin typically gets home on the six o'clock bus, so I wasn't expecting him home for another hour. I was washing dishes and singing some good old show tunes from Oklahoma!  That's noisy business.  Theo was doing his own thing, and every once in a while I would turn around and make sure he wasn't getting into too much trouble. 

At one point I turn around and see Theo looking at me around the door, but about four feet off the ground.  In the split second that I saw him, the thought jumped in my head, "he has somehow climbed up onto something, and now he's leaning over and is about to fall to his doom." I gasp, and take a huge step toward him.

And that's when I see Corbin standing behind him holding him up. I guess he had come home and come in without my hearing him. He was trying to be fun and silly, but that unfortunately was not my reaction.

I clutch my heart, take a huge breath, lean over the sink and start to laugh.  But it's the kind of laughter that comes when there's nothing else to do.  I also cried a little bit, but I suppose all this is better than Theo learning how to climb to his doom, at least at this stage.

Moral of the story: Corbin has the uncanny ability to scare me out of my whits without even trying... or meaning to.

Seriously, I'm still shaking.

1 comment:

teridmama said...

Have him give you a hug for me! I understand! Love you!