Monday, May 05, 2014

Oh the crazy days of May

The day after the show ended, our family home evening activity was going to get my hair cut!  It feels so glorious to be back to my old self.

Theo wanted in on the selfie action. 

On Wednesday, Corbin and I dropped Theo off at the Hardie's house, and we made out way to Boston! Corbin had a conference he wanted to attend, and it happened to coincide with our anniversary. So he asked me along to celebrate.

When we arrived, I dropped Corbin off at the Marriott where the hotel was being held, and continued on to the Boston temple.  I arrived pretty early for the session, and enjoyed a walk around the beautiful grounds. We almost didn't have a session because I was the only person in attendance. Luckily, two or three people showed up just in time, and I enjoyed a lovely session.

 (since I'm too lazy to move these pictures, the Boston trip is on hold). The Relief Society closing social was pizza and bowling.  Theo and I had lots of fun, although I think the novelty wore off for him really quick.

Theo charmed the lady working behind the counter in a big way. She was watching baseball on the wall TV, and he came to join her.  Soon he was pantomiming the players, and the lady came out from behind the desk to do it with him.  They pretend ran bases, and threw baseballs.  It was very sweet.

And, come on.  Tiny bowling shoes?  Too cute!

 Back to our regularly scheduled program. After I picked Corbin up from the hotel, we decided to find a Taco Bell (Corbin's craving). Unfortunately, his GPS is really dumb, and we ended up driving around in rush hour traffic for an hour and a half to two different locations where there wasn't actually a Taco Bell.  Let me tell you, sick, tired, pregnant ladies don't take that sort of thing very well.

Finally, we gave up and went to Corbin's friend's house where we were staying the night. He directed us to a McDonald's a block away, and we ate an insane amount of food.

We went back to Wayne's house, got lots of rest for the night, and were ready for the next day's activities.

I dropped Corbin off at the hotel, and drove around aimlessly through the beautiful residential areas of the city.  Although it was gloomy, it was so beautiful!  Some trees were in bloom, it seemed so clean, and it was way easier to navigate than NYC. (my first impression of driving there was through a crippling snowstorm, but still)

After I'd gotten my fill, I scoped out a park near the water that I'd researched.  It was in sort of a shady part of Boston, but the park itself was beautiful. I put on double sweaters and took a stroll.

It was so clean and lovely, I wished it wasn't so cold so I could linger longer. It was fun hanging out next to the Atlantic Ocean, and helped me realize just how far I've traveled from my homeland.

I went back to the car and built myself a nest in the trunk. I loaded up with snacks, and snuggled in with a great chick lit novel. It was relatively short, and I read the entire thing.  That was pretty amazing and restful. It had been a long time since I've read a good book, and I love reading so much! Our kids are doomed to be bookaholics.

By the time I finished When Roses Bloom, it was time to check into our hotel. Thanks to my mom's hook ups, we were in a pretty fancy one. I brought in some stuff, changed into my swim suit, and spent 45 wonderful minutes in the pool. I stretched in ways I haven't done in months. When I got out, I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds.  I may be taking more baths in this last trimester. 

The two pictures above are our view.  One is more flattering to the eye, but the airport is nice too. 

After I showered and  got dolled up, I picked up Corbin, and we found a hole in the wall Italian restaurant to celebrate our anniversary.  In walking through the door, I felt like I walked into an Italian mama's kitchen.  There were only a handful of tables, and a kitchenette area in the corner. When the lady sat us at a table, the couple at the table next to us piped up, "what are you bringing people into our neighborhood?" in a fabulous Boston accent. Later on, that same guy gave us a wink and said maybe we weren't so bad to sit by, we had just looked like trouble.

I wish the sun would shine in Ithaca, at least for a few hours in a row, so things could blossom like this beautiful tree.

There were so many awesome buildings to look at.  I'll admit, I did a lot of rubber necking as I drove around.

The last morning we were there, Corbin had wanted to go to a session from 8-10.  Instead, we both slept til 8:45.  I didn't even wake up once in the night with heart burn or to use the bathroom, so you know it was pure sleep that night.

The drive home was uneventful. When we arrived back to the Hardies, Theo was at the tail end of a three hour nap.  We sat and chatted with the Hardies for a while, and finally had to go wake him up.  Apparently he did great and had a fun time with them. It was fun hearing Whitney talk about all the typical things Theo does, and how different they are from her girls.  I'm glad they made it through!

Here are just some bonus pictures of Theo reading to himself.  He had snuggled up on that chair, but decided he needed a pillow behind his head, and asked me to bring him one.  I love it when he does things independently, without causing mischief. I hope those times become more frequent.

1 comment:

teridmama said...

Sounds like a great time!! Glad you guys got to get away and have fun!! Those little bowling shoes are adorable! Love Theo's haircut too!
Love to you all!!