Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The exciting adventures of a Wednesday

Today has been an emotional rollercoaster:
7:30 AM: Happy. I got right out of bed, and got ready very quickly, so that I had extra time to study for Music 202

9 AM: Feeling like a crapulous mass: The Music 202 test. However, there was some humor on the side when our teacher practically gave us the answer, and some stupid kid didn't get it. Classic.

12:40 PM: Relaxed. We got to take a ten minute nap, or just lay there with out eyes closed and listen to soothing music. It was fabulous.

1 PM: Humor. American Heritage, Dr. Holland, and a little girl with a cake and a knife. What can I say more?

2 PM: Fear. The American Heritage test. Not as bad as I thought, but still not great.

Aproximatly 2:20 PM: Surprise. As I was sitting in the testing center, trying to concentrate, who should sit down by me but Tim, taking the same test. So we shared answers, and then had a make out session afterwards. Just kidding. He didn't even see me there, but his presence really distracted me.

3:20 PM: Joy. Tim called me after he got out of the testing center, and we talked for a while. Happiness...

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