Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Birthday and Mothers Day!

Carlie, you're 17! That is totally blowing my mind!!! I hope 17 is a great year for you!

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!! I was thinking about you all during church today because it was the underlying theme. The real theme was service, but motherhood fits into that pretty well. There was a post secret that said

And I want you to know that that goes for me too. I love you so much, and I am so lucky to have you in my life!

Other news, I got a library card, and a nasty sunburn yesterday. We had a dinner party with a bunch of random people over, and had a great time. My new roommates (Amanda and Sarah) are super cool, and it's going to be fun living with them.


Anonymous said...

Happy (future! ;) Mother's day to you too! :P You do have an awesome mom!

Zotz said...

You are what makes my sun shine. Thank you for sharing your brightness and warmth.