Sunday, May 04, 2008

I'm Back!

After an absence from the Internet, I've made my glorious come back. And thank you to all those who were going to harass me for not writing, and remembering that I couldn't. I hope this satisfies you.

Today was my first Sunday of the BYU 84th ward, and it was pretty awesome! I've never had Relief Society first, so this will be interesting. My bishop is a former NBA player, and he is 6'10. He is also super nice, so I can't wait to get to know him. We walked home with a guy named Robbie, and we ended up just hanging out on our part of the sidewalk. As time went on, more and more people congregated with us, so we had a group of like 12 random people from our ward. It's pretty awesome. We have a break the fast at 4:30 and a ward prayer at 8:30 that I think I shall attend. There are a ton of cool people in our ward, so I'm way excited. I also got to know my roommate Amanda better today, and she says Y'all really often, and it's really cute. I have a feeling we're not going to get very well acquainted with Sarah and our kind of roommate Trisha. They are dating brothers who live at the Colony too, and we haven't seen much of them this week. It will most likely become a trend. But they're cool.

I'm going to get a second job this week, and I hope to start working it by the end, whatever it may be. I'm going to start running every morning around 7:30 or 8, because this whole sleeping in thing and never leaving the house is a drag. I'm going to go give plasma with my friend David on Tuesday. I tried to make him promise to drag me home if I faint, but he said he'd just leave me. I guess I'll just have to not faint, which I can do.

A digital tour of my apartment will follow shortly. Now I must go bake rolls.

1 comment:

Zotz said...

I'm so glad your computer is up and running. It sounds like your first Sunday in your new ward is a success. I am excited to hear about all of your new adventures. Happy Sunday!