Friday, May 01, 2009

A lot of posting going on today, I don't want to get left behind

So it's been a week since Steve ditched out on Provo, and let me tell you, it has been one long week. Not just because of that, but life, school, work, and sleep have been consuming my time like I could never believe. I have gotten some very lovely roller blading in. I'm getting a little color on my arms, and turning blonder every day. If only the silly Utah weather would decide to be nice and lovely all the time.
Nice things about being single: I don't feel the urge to shave my legs every day (which means I haven't done it in a week. Tasty.), I get to bed whenever I want, my eyes are feeling much better (because apparently I really was allergic to him. Who knew?), and I don't bore people with non-stop Steve stories. These are all very lame reasons, but I'm trying here. I've actually been doing well, and by Sunday I think I'll be ready to meet new friends and start my summer partying!
I checked my grades today, and I was pretty happy with what I got: 4 A's, 2 -A's, and one stinkin' -B. Oh, how I hated that dumb creative dance teacher who lost my big papers...
I sent Tim's birthday present away, and I find it so crazy that he's turning 21 this month. I am so excited for all my boys to start coming home. I think Talmage is the first to come back in like June or July. YESSSS!!
I dug up some of my forgotten favorite music today, like Jupiter Sunrise and Kara's flowers. And soon I will start listening to A Tale of Two Cities on my iPod at work. I'm pretty stoked.
I had a dream last night that I was bit in the mouth by a black widow spider. What does that mean?

1 comment:

Scott said...

It means I'm coming for you.