Saturday, May 30, 2009

Y Mountain

I finally did it! I hiked up to the tippy top of Y mountain like I've been wanting to do all month. This was my second time doing it, and everything was so much greener! I guess that's what happens when you hike in May instead of August. Anyways, here are the highlights: I did it in 4 hours, I saw two rattlesnakes by the path and got really freaked out by it, when I was at the top I sang "All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing!" and at that moment a bird started singing for the first time since I'd started, so I thought that was pretty cool. I saw many sorts of flowers, got super sweaty, actually saw other humans on the trail, actually received a call while behind the mountain, but best of all... I survived! I put all the pictures on facebook, and I highly recommend them because they're beautiful, but here is a video I took. I think this might be the last time I hike that mountain though, because I don't want to run into rattlers again, and it just wasn't as fulfilling as I'd hoped. I can get the same view and beauty from other less grueling hikes. So that's that, folks! But the best part is, I proved Eric Mackelprang wrong! Girls can do it!


Krissie said...

Hi Julie! I found a link to your blog on Scott's blog...and I really like blogs...and its much more fun to read them when I actually know the people who write them...I hope you don't mind! :)

Anyways, I hiked that a couple weeks ago...and I agree...its pretty...but harder than its worth!

- Kristi

Anonymous said...

that was too cute!! :) The video--loved how you took it while hiking, lol! Have a blast back in CA!