Monday, July 06, 2009

Book Analysis

I just finished the Count of Monte Cristo, and it was incredible. And I feel accomplished because the thing was like 600 pages long. But I did not agree with the author's crazy notions of God's placing the responsibility on Monte Cristo to exact revenge on everyone. Where is the Christian forgiveness in that! Plus, he was mean to the heroine at the end, and she ends up sad and hopeless because he ruined her life, while he gets to be with his nice little slave girl on some yacht. Where is the fairness in that!!! Obviously it impassioned me, but it was still a good book. I was on the edge of my seat for like 150 pages.
Since I had nothing to read today, I stopped off at our library (which is beautiful, by the way) and checked out a few books. I checked out a set of Newberry Award winners that my children's Lit teacher had suggested. My dad started one of them and was laughing out loud. I'm pretty excited to start it. I read the Little Prince today, which was very sweet and insightful. Bare with me while I expound on some of my favorite parts. If you've never read it, the little prince talks to a fox about the meaning of "tame." He speaks of how to him, the little prince is nothing more than a boy among millions of boys, and he is nothing more than a fox among millions of foxes. But if the boy were to tame him, he would be unique to him in all the world. The fox would love to look at the wheat because it would remind him of the prince's hair. The prince then says, "There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me..." For some reason, all this really struck a chord with me. I've been tamed by so many people and things. Just tonight I was looking up at the full moon, and thinking about all the wonderful nights I've had under that moon. All the special memories I've made and people I've talked with and laughed with and cried with under that moon. Also, it's nice to think that everyone in the world gets to see it, it's sort of something that binds us all together. It's strange to think that you might see my moon tonight.
The fox also talks about "rites:" how the prince must always come to visit at 4 o'clock, so that hour will be special. If he comes just anytime, how would he be able to get excited? This is a very important principle, I think. It's good to have something to look foreword to and be excited for, to make one time different than another. Otherwise, what would be the spice of life?


Steven said...

You know, I kind of thought the ending of the book was a little disconcerting too. A lot of revenge and such, but then again, I thought it fit the tone of the rest of the story so much better than the movie. I think it fits the story better. And it's a sweet book.

Anonymous said...

Sweet review...we'll have to get some of your recommendations for the kiddos! :) Hope life is happy!