Friday, August 31, 2012

Mini-forest and Ithaca Drivers

 Yesterday Theo and I Baby Bjorned it to the park up the street.  There is a play area, then a mysterious lawn that goes down the hill.  It was our mission to figure out where it went, since the path is obscured by trees.  We started walking along the lawn, and discovered that it doesn't lead to anywhere.  It surrounds the park's main event, which is a beautiful mini-forest.

 So we cut through to get back to the park entrance. Can you believe there's a place that looks like this just up my street?  As we plodded along, dodging branches and trying not to get too many sticks in my sandals, I kept having visions of Theo as a toddler running around and exploring.  That will be a fun time.

Here's a glimpse into the Ithaca culture that I admire.  There are not many sidewalks, especially in the residential areas around our house.  But I've seen this time and time again.  Whenever there is a pedestrian or a bicyclist on the side of the road, cars will make sure to give lots and lots of space as they drive by.  The picture above is just one example.  Every car on the road will do this, and I'm so impressed.  Ithaca drivers obey the speed limit, they're not aggressive, and they actually obey road signs.  I know I'll probably encounter people who are not like this, but overall, I'm very impressed.

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