Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nursery, Hippie Concert, and Smiles

Theo has had three Sundays in Nursery, and he loves it!  But probably not half as much as I love it.

Above and below are pictures from his nursery teacher of his first day in nursery.  What a happy boy!

We went to a concert in the park last week, which ended up being... not quite what we expected.  It was put on by various hippies in the community to protest fracking.  If you don't know what that is, look it up, because my explanation would not be very good.

There were supposed to be bands going up every hour or so, with talking and petitioning between. We got there right when a band was finishing, and endured about an hour of talking before we finally left.  Theo and I walked around the park, ditching Corbin to wait for the next band.

Theo is indeed NOT carrying a light saber, but a tube of bubbles. Later, those bubbles took a flying leap off this bridge into the water.  We watched them sadly float away, and I had to hold Theo with all my might so he wouldn't jump in after them.

The highlight for me was an older gentleman asking if he could touch Theo's soft hair.  Kinda weird, but sweet.

Last night Corbin let Theo take his duck whistle to bed.  He went down crying, but after a few minutes of sobbing, we heard his duck calls.  Unfortunately, it was right in the middle of family prayers, so there was a little chuckling.  I hope the Lord doesn't mind.

Daddy hadn't caught the memo that we're not allowed to climb on the kitchen, but this picture makes up for it.  Corbin asked him to smile, and we got this sweet face.

Later that morning, he asked Theo to smile again, and this is what he got.  I sure love my boys!

1 comment:

teridmama said...

I love those boys as well and you too!!!!