Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Tuesday: a big day

Yesterday Corbin and I went on a date to see Explosions in the Sky in concert.

 We drove up to Syracuse over the beautiful rolling green hills and the old-timey towns, while talking and eating chips.

The venue was a repurposed one-screen movie theater.  It worked well for the new purpose. It was a standing room only kind of place, which I've never done at a concert before.

I'm pretty sure Corbin had fun, and I sure love spending time with my man!

I didn't bring my ID, so we got cool X's like all the other under-aged kids.  I felt at least 4 years younger at this concert.

The actual music was interesting.  Explosions in the Sky is a post-rock group, and I'm sure they are fabulous... if you're into that sort of music.   For pictures and videos of the actual band, you can visit Corbin's facebook page. My favorite part was watching the drummer of the opening group, Black Throat Wind.  He had a bushy beard and a sweet twirly mustache.  He would sometimes do this move of crossing his sticks over his head, and crashing them down onto the cymbals.  I loved that!

After about two hours of standing and having my ears blown off, we decided to skip out a bit early.  We then went on a half hour goose chase lead by our GPS through the shadiest parts of Syracuse to find a Wendy's.  We eventually did find one, but was the frosty worth the trouble?  Always.

Theo's big news from yesterday is his brand new (to us) play kitchen!!!  We got it for free from a woman who is decluttering in preparations for moving.  Once again, I thank MOMs club for hooking us up with her.

She gave us all the pots and pans to go along with it, and he is having a ball!

The kitchen is covered in buttons that actually boop and beep!

Arguably the best part is the telephone.  They talks into it all day, to Daddy, I think.  He mostly only says dada and 'loooooo (hello).

The best way to close the doors is by slamming them.

The last bit of news: Theo can climb into his high chair.  I thought it was only when his tray was removed, but I was proven wrong.  When he did this, I was out of the room.  When I heard him screaming for help, I found this crazy man stuck.  I sure love him!  But I am not looking forward to the day when he falls off of something and cracks his skull.  That day is coming...

1 comment:

teridmama said...

So cute!!