Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Family home evening adventures

Tonight was fun. For our activity, RHBen had us play a game called signs. It was so craxy. Talmage and I were sitting next to each other, and we kept talking to each other, and he couldn't pay attention to see if his sign was being said, so then he kept blaming me for missing it. It was really funny. This game ended in an attempt to tell a fictitious story, then a game of honor code spin the bottle, where we hugged instead of kissed. It was me, Talmage, Wayne, Tim, this guy named Joe, Elizabeth, Roxy, Andrea, and this awesome guy named Dan(the same one who danced at me). Anyways, we played for a while, and it was great hugging. It got my endorphins pumping! Then we sort of migrated into the cougar cove. We talked about lots of stuff, then we started playing truth or truth. After some awesome questions, Tim asked me who I would make my valintine in our FHE family, including Andrea and Orson Scott Card. I said everyone, then someone said I couldn't say everyone, so I got the option of top three, so I said the only guys from our family, Tim Talmage and RHBen. Then Roxy made me do the Throw off a cliff make out and Marry. So in code I said my answers, then Joe was like "what? You're going to throw tim off a cliff, marry Ben, and make out with Talmage?" Really loud and it was... interesting. Then Tim started doing the fake crying, and I said there would be a big pillow down there, and Talmage said it would be made of humming bird feathers, which started a whole new conversation. Then we stayed there for many hours, and ended up leaving at midnight. This was a record for loitering after family home eavining time. All in all, it was a fantastically fun night. Horray!

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