There's a rash of "25 random things" going around of Facebook, so I started and couldn't stop. Y'all get the extended version. Enjoy!
~My biggest pet peeve is when people leave leftover time on the microwave
~I love knowing what time it is, and if drives me crazy if I’m not able to find out
~My favorite dessert is white chocolate mousse frozen yogurt from TCBY
~I love art supplies
~I’ve had 5 surgeries
~The above is because I was born with a cleft lip
~The above caused me to have no sense of smell
~I love the outdoors
~One of my favorite places in the world is the BYU duck pond/ “rape hill”
~I love doing jigsaw puzzles
~My favorite number is 12
~I’m glad my roommates and I play dress up often
~I wrote my Hungarian missionary Tim about twice a month
~I love driving through the desert at night so I can see the stars
~I think India Indian people are beautiful
~I like it when boys say I smell good
~It touches me deeply when my two older sisters call to check up on me when I’m having a hard day
~My first thought when asked the question “what was your best day” was when my mom and I spent the day together at Downtown Disney
~I love running, but I lack motivation
~I wish I could wear a Mohawk more often than Halloween and not be judged for it
~A line from the song Fix You by Coldplay secretly makes me cry. “When you love someone but it goes to waste, could it be worse?” I don’t ever want someone to think they’re wasting their love on me
~Ping pong is my very favorite game. Tim and I once played for 5 hours straight
~I secretly sing Christmas songs all year round because I think they’re pretty
~I’ve only ever broken up with someone once because we didn’t like each other anymore. The other times were because they moved away
~I am deathly afraid of talking to my professors
~I love being a big sister
~I wish I could do the “smoky eyes” makeup
~I hate sports drinks: Gatorade, Propel, Vitamin Water, etc…
~My sandwich holder was the greatest investment ever
~I love the arts, and feeling cultured
~Utah Mormon culture drives me insane!
~I love singing in Church, but I hope I never turn into the “resident soprano”
~I feel extremely intimidated by popular people
~I like being called nicknames and pet names: Jules, Sweetheart, my cute Julie Chatfield!, Julikins, kins, my dear, silly girl, Ju Ju, Julie Bean, Sunshine, Honey… the list goes on and on
~The worst time in my life really did end up being good for me
~Sometimes when I watch movies or plays, I think of ways I would change it if I were acting or directing it
~I love going dancing
~I can never go country dancing again because I judge everyone there
~I love love love having warm toes
~One of my few guilty pleasures is postsecret
~Someday I want the ring my mom gave me to be my engagement ring or wedding band
~I am shamelessly addicted to facebook
~Peanut butter is one of my greatest loves
~I am a music snob when it comes to church related music
~I am very good at hiding how I feel
~I wish I had strong fingernails like my mom
~If I could change one thing about my appearance, I would have hot legs
~Someday I want to be serenaded from outside my window
~I love laughing so hard that I cry, then enjoying that satisfied tired feeling afterwards