Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Theo: Property Destroyer

 Spring is finally here!  There are tiny purple flowers in our yard, we actually got rain instead of snow, and it was warm enough yesterday to wear short sleeves outside!  I even turned the heat off in our house.  That's when you know it's legit.
Theo was in his bed. I knew he had woken up from his nap, but I let him hang out in there until he was done.  But I heard a big crash, and I thought his crib had collapsed or something.  I come in and find this:

I knew his blinds had been loose, and I know he likes to play with them. My solution was to roll the crib away from the wall so he couldn't reach it, but I forgot to tell Corbin that. Hence, the crib against the wall and the blinds off the wall. So I get to somehow put his blinds back up. I would normally do something like this while Theo is sleeping, so he won't get in the way, but I have a feeling that wouldn't work out, in this case.

Yesterday we had another mishap. There is a floor lamp in our living room with a glass part on the top.  Or should I say, it WAS in our living room.  Theo knocked it over, and the glass shattered. I was pretty steamed, because it's relatively nice and new. So I snatched up Theo (who was only  in a diaper at the time. It happens. ) And threw him upstairs with the Gullys while I cleaned up the glass.

I texted Corbin about the mishap, saying, "Theo just broke the glass on our nice living room lamp.  I'm trying to keep an eternal perspective."

And his reply, "I'm sorry!  I'm sure it won't be the worst thing he does.  I don't know if that helps or hurts, but I love you a lot."

I'm glad the text started with he was sorry, and ended with he loved me.  The middle part was not so helpful.

But Corbin will be leaving tomorrow to attend a conference in New Orleans.  We are sure going to miss him!  And I hope Theo doesn't burn down our house in the meantime... or ever.
While Corbin is staying in a fancy hotel, eating gumbo and jambalaya, Theo and I will live it up here, watching chick flicks and eating pizza. I think we'll make it.

One more cute picture for good measure.  When your friend comes over for spaghetti, and things get crazy with the sauce, sometimes you have to party in the bath tub. 
At one point, Ava farted directly into Theo's face.  Neither baby cared, but Leslie laughed so long and hard, she cried.  Theo was actually pretty worried about her.  I'm so glad Leslie is my friend; that moment was classic!

1 comment:

teridmama said...

Oh my....oh my.....hysterical! :-)
Sorry about the little boy antics....his daddy's nickname when he was younger was psycho.....just saying!