Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Shout out to Cari: I am taking Shakespeare from The Shakespeare... not THE Shakespeare... But yes, I like his class.

I just ordered a shirt from Woot Shirt, and it should be here by next Wednesday at the latest. Maybe I should stop checking it in the middle of the night so I'm not so easily swayed.

I totally got an 85% on my stats test, and that may not sound like much, but I am totally excited!!! It might even go up a little because of an extra question and the written portion.

When I was walking to work from the testing center, I was talking to Mom on the phone, (which was really fun by the way), and I saw Aaron. I pretended like I didn't see him, and I'll bet he did the same to me. It still geeked me out a little.

I've resolved to ask Ryker on a date. Roxy and I are doubling on the 17th, and that sounds like the perfect opportunity. But I have an anxiety attack every time I merely think about doing it. So Shelley, be prepared to take some extreme life-saving measures after class on me. I will most likely need it.

I'm going to an elementary school tomorrow to present a minilesson to some kids on the water cycle. I hope it goes well. I'm sad though, because it will cause me to miss music 201, and most likely all of Marriage and Family. Which reminds me... I need to email my friends to send me some notes. I shall do that now.

PS: the picture is from Leesa's party. Nelson, Leesa, Bubba, and I are enjoying the nun-chucks that the boys gave her. It's name is Heratio.

1 comment:

Cari Dahl said...

Hahahahahahahahaha. Yaaaay THE Shakespeare. And yay Julie.

Hopefully he has your name right. He called me "Carl" almost all semester when he was doing the roll.