Sunday, December 23, 2007


After reading Holly's posts I'm always so inspired to write my aspirations, hopes, dreams, and other inspirational things, but then I just end up giving a summary of my life. I'll make the summary short (hopefully) and the aspirations deep. Maybe not long, but deep.

Home has been a whirlwind adventure of shopping, playing, sleeping, and an all around ruckus time. Judith and family were here, and those boys can crack me up non-stop. Justin in a hunk-o-chunk, Nathan is starting to warm up faster, and Aaron... well... he's a little boy. We went to Knott's yesterday, and I discovered my liking for roller coasters. We went on the Silver Bullet last, and I liked it so much that we went on it again. My marbles were mixed up, but it was still fun. I don't think mom really knows what she's talking about when she explains the marbles thing, so I wish she would stop spreading false knowledge. It's true there are things in your inner ears that help keep you balanced, but there are not little balls in your head that roll around and make you feel dizzy. Somewhere in the apex there, if I remember correctly...

Anyways, we had a fantastic time and it was totally chill. We came home and watched meet the Robinsons, and it was a cute move, very inspirational, makes me want to adopt. Today, church was good. It's kind of lame to be sick, if only because I can't sing the Christmas hymns properly. I wrote a letter to Tim today, and sent along some pictures. I hope he's doing well. I am so lame, because I haven't written Ben a single letter, and he's my cousin! MY cousin, not anyone else's. Oh, well, it's never too late to begin. One last thing, Christmas was official when I heard the melodious tunes of the Jackson 5 and All 4 One.

Well, not as short as I'd hoped, but not bad.

Aspirations (and the like):

Better fulfill my Sunday School calling. I think I'm doing all right, but I can always be better.

Get school affairs in order: pay tuition, get all the classes I need, apply for my major, strive with my classes, etc.

Get interpersonal issues settled. You know...

Go to the temple more often. You know... just kidding. But really, I didn't go nearly enough last semester, and I want to make that better.

Build up my food stalk. I guess I should start eating again. I think I've gained like five pounds since I've been home.

Be a better friend. I feel like I've neglected the people who I consider my real friends, and who have been so good to me. I just don't know how to become a better friend. It's brainstorming time.

Become a more considerate roommate. I want all of us to be comfortable in our home, and so I'm willing to do my part. Whereas before I was throwing trash under the couches, leaving a pile of nasty dishes throughout the house, letting the noxious fumes seep from my moldy towel, you know, normal stuff...

Get more sleep. My 8 o'clock will not be pleasant.

And an overall spiritual reboot. I'll be stronger, faster, spit farther, jump higher, read deeper, and actually concentrate in Relief Society!

I guess they're not really aspirations, just goals. But I must say, they're pretty sweet goals. Maybe I'll succeed in my endeavors next post.


Holly F. said...

And please bless you in all of your endEEvors. :D

Anonymous said...

Awesome goals...keep up the good work :)

Jen (Rick's sis :)

Zotz said...

You bust me up!!!!