Wednesday, December 05, 2007

summary of my life thusfar

I'm worried that I'm not going to get all the Christmas/birthday shopping done in time. I was going to send Tim a Christmas package, but that idea didn't seem to fly. School is picking up, and the stress is beginning. That stress is being dissipated with the help of some good running, good friends, and a cute boy. One of the most exciting things to happen to me today was that the pathway from Helamen to Campus is finally finished, so it doesn't have to bottle-neck any more. Also, one the indoor track, I saw so many people I know, a couple of which being Andrew Walker and Caleb Miskin, Myscan, MeescAn. It was pretty fun. Now I must go to bed. A wonderful day of rest/productivity/fun-ness/LAUNDRY awaits me. Horray!!!

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