Sunday, December 09, 2007

Divine Comedy Date

Last night Jaren and I went on a totally awesome date! I thought back to when he'd invited me to see Divine Comedy, but I was previously occupied. So I invited him to go to this month's show, and it was totally hilarious!!! It was the highlights from all the shows of the year, so it had the Marriott School Musical, and the parade on Les Mis, and a ton of other completely random hilarious things. They did a whole music video set the the music of Sexy Back, but they changed it to Sexy Stach, and there were three guys walking all around campus with these fake mustaches, acting all "cool" and Jaren could not stop laughing. They did an interpretive dance to colors of the wind, and I could have been in some stuck-in-your-pants kind of trouble, because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. So, all in all, incredible show. And he and I got glow bracelets and necklaces. Sweet! After that we went to Costa Vita's and had some tasty Mexican food. I felt so bad because he got way more food than I did, and still finished first. Oh, well, I guess it comes with the territory of being a girl. Afterwards we went back to his house, and talked for a while. He is so funny. When Jordan and Joel came home, they'd bought a fancy poster that Jordan had been wanting all semester, so they had a hanging party, making it all even and hanging their records around it. I sat there forever it feels like and watched them. Then Leesa came over and we all talked and laughed and had a good time. It was a very good night.

Oh, also, I taught the Sunday School lesson today and it went well. I was very intimidated, partly because peers are just intimidating, but also because I was teaching for Hannah and Jaren's class, so they were there, and it was scary a little. Also the new bishop sat in, but it was nice to have him there, because he just has a peaceful aura. We also had a meeting after church, and the stake Sunday School guys were there, and it was a great meeting. I love feeling on top of everything for my calling, and having the information at my fingertips.

I'm scared for finals. 'Nuff said.

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