Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Getting Better

So I've seen three different doctors in the past two weeks. The last one was to get a prescription that the previous one had given me, but we lost it. You know it's got to be really bad for me to ask to go to the doctors. So we went, and she gave me the medicine. I got it at lunch, and by the end of the day I was already feeling better. It turns out, I love steroids!!! This is the end of the second day of my being on them, and I already feel soooo much better. My throat doesn't hurt when I swallow, and the puss pockets have shrunk a ton. I know that sounds gross, but I've had them for three weeks. It was getting old, and more and more painful. So thank you steroids! My rash is gone, by the way. I'm not as tired as I used to be. I've been sick for a while, and it feels great that I'm finally feeling better.

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