Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Fun

Today was a pretty fun day. Doing my hair up in a Mohawk again was a good desision, I think. It was wierd, though, having people look at me. Everyone in my classes asked me how I did it, and by the last class of the day I had my answer down to, "Lots of hairspray, ratting, and bobbie pins..." That seemed to work for most. I should have timed myself, too, because the amount of time it took me was a FAQ too. My Ryker adventure wasn't so exciting today. I kind of just handed him the bag of Halloween candy with a huge grin on my face and said, "Happy Halloween!" He just kind of looked back at me with some surprise and said thank you. But it was pretty funny what happened after that. I was starting my notes off with the date, and I jokingly asked Shelley what the date was, and she jokingly said she didn't know. Ryker, just trying to be helpful, turns to me and with a completely straight face says, "the thrity first." I just look at him with another huge smile, but this one had some question behind it, and I didn't know what to do accept laugh a little and say thank you. The girl sitting behind hime laughed, and when he realized that we were just joking, he blushed. It was really cute.
But the best part of my day (so far) was when I was sitting in the courtyard of the JFSB. I was sitting on the fountain talking to Carlie on the phone, and while I was sitting there a boy kind of sat by me. I didn't even realize he was there until I had to suddenly hang up the phone and he started commenting on my hair. I thanked him, and he kept asking me questions about myself, and he was being really nice. Then we got talking about concerts in Salt Lake, and I said I'd never been to one, so he asked me if I wanted to go sometime. Later on he mentioned that he lived in Alta apartments right by me, and I said I lived in the Riv. Turns out two of his roommates are dating two of my next-door neighbors. He invited me to hang out at his apartment and throw water balloons, then I invited him to my apartment since he already knew where it was. Right before he left, he asked me for my digits, so we switched phone numbers and he was off. The best part of the story is: his name is GRIFFIN! Oh, my goodness...
So when he was out of ear shot, I called Carlie back, and told her this exciting story, and I about keeled over. It was cool.
Work was fun, but no one else dressed up for it, so I felt a little silly. Walking home, I went through the 88th ward territory, and there was a bunch of guys who had pulled their couches out from their apartment and were chilling out on the sidewalk. When I walked past, they called out to me as Mohawk girl, and I came over. I sat and talked with them for a few minutes, and one of the boys knew Scottie. It was pretty awesome. Now I'm waiting here for my Internet to stop being slow so I can listen to my stats lessons. Let's see if it will work...


Shelley said...

Julie, if the fact that his name is Griffin isn't a sign, what is? Ditch Ryker, I'm on team Griffin

Holly F. said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Did you ask him for his last name? If it's Christmas, get on bended knee, Kins!