Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hard Day

Yesterday I was having a hard day. There were lots of things working against me. I was tired to start out with. I had five hours of classes. I had to study and take a Physical Science test, on which I didn't do as well as I would have liked. I had twenty minutes to be home and eat. I had to work for 4 hours. On the way home, I was thinking about my boy troubles, then I looked up at the stars and thought about how Tim and I used to lie on DT field and look at them, and it got me missing him a lot. I cried the whole way home. Then when I got home, I snuck into my room to compose myself. When I came into the kitchen, Leesa ran to me and gave me a great big hug, and it got me crying again. Then Hannah and Juliet joined in the hug, and Leesa's friend Patrick asked me what was wrong, and was real sweet to me. My roommates tried to cheer me up by having a dance break to the tunes of Hairspray, then Leesa made me sit on her bed and study with her while I ate. I love them all.
OK, here was another contribution to my poopy day. I hung out with Aaron on Sunday night, and after being with him, I'd made the decision to break it off. So I was thinking about that all day. At about 11 last night I started writing him a rejection email, and my roommates helped. I felt so terrible for doing it, but at the same time it's kind of a relief that I've finally done it. So I went to bed last night exhausted, feeling sad, and I didn't get any homework done because I wasn't home at all. Although I'm getting my blood drawn later, hopefully today will be better.

1 comment:

Zotz said...

Thanks for the tissue warning Holly. Oh Julie, yucky days are just yucky. Good thing the next day is always better, even if you get your blood drawn. I love you bunches.