Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Ladies' Night, Anyone?

Here is the fabulous L. with baby A. in the Bjorn.  Today we walked through our forest that's up the street.  Pardon me, I just noticed there's baby poop on my skirt...

Much better.  Anyways, we had a grand time.  The location above is only a 5-ish minute walk from our house, and I love it.  I'm so grateful I have great places to play, and great neighbors to play with.  Theo and A. were talking up a storm to each other, and it was very cute.

Last night I invited L. down to watch a movie and let the daddies put the babies to bed.  I now deep every Tuesday Ladies' Night. But we can't just watch fabulous movies every night, like Just Like Heaven.  I am cheap, so I could really use some suggestions that take little to no money, but would be a good way to get out of the house.  Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Whitney Hardie said...

Let's carpool to the commons and take a stroll. Some nights they have live music there. Also, check the Ithaca newspaper - it's full of events listed for every day of the week. I think it would be fun to try some.