Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Sleep, Baby, Sleep!


I was going to blog about how I got to go to the store yesterday sans baby, and talk about how it's so much simpler, but a little more lonely.  I was going to talk about how I bought $50 worth of meat, because when I'd asked Corbin what kind of dinners he wanted, he just said, "feed me meat."  But all of this must be put aside for a more pressing matter.

This little man is killing me with sleep deprivation.  I know I've been spoiled with a really great sleeper, and some of you moms will guffaw at me, but I need advice.

He will go down around 8 at night like a champ.  He'll sleep through the night without making a peep.  But the early morning hours have been rough for about a week, and I can't take it. 

For instance, this morning he woke up at 5, and I gave him his pacifier and he went back to sleep... for 3 minutes.  Just enough time to get comfy in my bed again.  We did this a few times before I just gave in and fed him.  He thinks it would be great to just nurse and sleep at my breast for hours and hours. But obviously that's not gonna happen.

So then he slept... until 6:15.  I gave him some medicine (I think he maaaay be teething, but maybe not) and rocked him til he fell back asleep.

Then we woke up again at 7, at which point I said forget it and brought him into the bed with me and Corbin.  He slept until almost 8 and woke up for reals.

This all wouldn't be as terrible if I could get to sleep at a decent hour the night before, but for some reason I can't.  And if you don't already know this about me, I need rather a lot of sleep to function.  

So please!  If you know of something I can do better to help this man sleep through the early morning hours, give me a shout out!


Shaffer family said...

Firstly, Corbin is funny...the "feed me meat" comment is so like him. Secondly, if you figure out how to get him to sleep later let me know. We've had the same problem with Lainie. She wakes up about 6-6:30 every morning no matter what time she went to bed. She usually goes down between 8-9. If she gets up any earlier than that and doesn't go right back to sleep I take her in bed with us.
This isn't helpful but it's probably just a phase because it used to be even worse with Lainie. He is probably teething like you said or it may be the new or new time zone is affecting his sleep. Sometimes it takes them awhile to absorb that it's not gonna change. I love you guys and I hope it gets better soon!

Kels-hoboheart.com said...

Get the book 'the baby whisperer- infancy through toddlerhood' !! it worked wonders for us and our friends who have a 1 year old!