Friday, September 28, 2012

What to do when it gets foggy

 L. A. invited us to walk down to the farmer's market with us, so we leaped at the chance! I don't know about you, but shopping at the farmer's markets always makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, with the vendor staring at you as you look at their stuff.  I can't handle the pressure! 

On the way home we stopped to talk to the horses at the Cornell Equine Annex.  I wish I had taken a picture of it, but L got an ear of sweet corn and was eating it raw like a boss.
 Today I invited them downstairs to play in the fort Theo and I made.  It's simple, but I bet as it gets colder they will get more elaborate. The babies didn't care for it too much.
 This is more Theo's style.
 But L was lovely and brought chocolate covered strawberry slices to share with us.  The babies were very excited to try and grab some, but us mean old mommies wouldn't let them.  I love how well they play together!  Well, side by side, but it's still so cute!
 We built a fort, because this is what it looked like outside.  So beautiful, but not the most inviting for walks, etc.
My view out the front window.  I am a lucky girl to live somewhere so pretty.

1 comment:

teridmama said...

Such nice pictures. he looks like such a big boy!! Love you guys!