Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Memory Lane

Corbin and I finally got our new (to us) Subaru today!  It's been in the works for a few weeks, but now it's sitting in our driveway.  I'm excited to get the hang of it.  And the best part of it- heated seats.  You know they's be on tous les jours during the next 6 months.

Last night I needed to grab something from the baby's room after he'd gone to bed, so I sneaked in real quiet-like.  While I was in there, I stood and looked at my precious baby for a little while. I realized while I was taking him in that I miss this sight.  Theo slept in our room for the first six months, so we got to see our beautiful baby sleeping peacefully every night.  Sometimes, Corbin and I would stand together watching him and finding it hard to believe that he was actually ours for keeps, and counting ourselves very lucky.  I was having those same thoughts last night.  I realized I will totally be the mom from I'll Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.  That book makes me cry every time, and I love it.

I was about to appologize for that being rather sappy, but I won't because I meant every word of it.

Since Frankenstorm has been hanging around (don't worry, all we've gotten is some rain, which is not uncommon for Ithaca anyways), Theo and I have spent pretty much all day inside.  And since Theo is teething, he felt it necessary to take a three hour nap.  I didn't mind.

So I was sorting through the files on my computer, trying to get them organized.  I ended up doing that thing I used to do when I was little and had to clean my room.

Wow, look at this cool toy I haven't played with in forever!  Instead of cleaning up, I think I'll play with this for an hour.

I found a bunch of old journal type documents and read them, one from Corbin's and my engagement, one from a few months before the baby was born, one from like 2007. It was like finding time capsules from myself, and it was so fun to see them again.  They made me realize that I've come a long way, even in the past year.  I fell in love with Corbin a little bit more.  I gave my baby a few extra kisses, and I laughed at myself a lot.

I can't wait to go back in another few years and sort through all this stuff again.

The baby playing with a plunger.  Further proof that storm-time is fun-time!

1 comment:

teridmama said...

hopefully he wasn't licking the plunger! :-)

You are a good mama! He is a lucky boy to have you two as parents!

Love you!