Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Photo Dump of Fall Break

We went to Beebe Lake on Monday, which is, you know, just a lake that runs through Cornell campus.  Yeah, I live here.
We got to babysit A. while her mommy had her first day of work.  We pretty much had a blast.
Sorry, there pictures were in order, but now they're not.

Cold weather is upon us (but it's just gonna get worse).  We're getting prepared.
Big thank yous to Holly, my mom, and L. for giving us winter clothes for the baby, making sure he doesn't turn into a Theo-pop this winter!

We got to party it up with the Swigerts during General Conference, and as you can see, Hal was thrilled about it!  Just kidding, he really was cute and sweet the whole time.  Sitting in that position will give anyone a double chin like that. 

Theo has been eating a lot of Cheerios lately.  There was one stuck to the kitchen floor today, after having previously been drooled on, dropped, and dried there.  Later, he decided he really did want to eat it, so he tried picking it up with his fingers.  When that didn't work, he went for the good old face-to-the-floor method.  Too bad that didn't work either.

Ten points for whoever saw the deer in this picture without reading this first.  Seriously, we stood there and watched each other for a few minutes.  Corbin and I were finally the ones to move on first.

After having Corbin home for four days in a row, my housework groove was totally thrown off.  But apparently all my productivity got stored up, because today I: gave the baby a bath, cleaned the bathroom, deep cleaned the kitchen, including wiping down the table and high chair, finished this month's book club book, made BBQ chicken for dinner, indexed about 30 names, and tweezed my eyebrows.  Oh yeah, and took care of a baby.  BOOMSHADOW!


Shelley said...

That picture of Theo with baby Hal is so so cute. Theo has such a cute smile :)

Kendall Miller said...

Simply wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing them.