Thursday, October 25, 2012

Random thoughts, and the Pumpkin Patch

Sometimes when I'm listening to my music on shuffle, a Bert and Ernie sing along song will happen, and it's hilarious because of the way the tracks are split up.  One moment, Bob will ask Big Bird to sing a song, and enthusiastically Big Bird will say, "Sure Bob!"  The next second, Lifehouse's "First Time" will come on.  
I love that.

I think my phone has died died.  The battery ran out, but it won't charge.  Its time has finally come.

Last night, we were playing in the living room, and we heard lots of honking.  Not cars, geese.  It's great to hear them flying overhead going south for the winter.  It seems so legit. 

Halloween is less than a week away and I still have no clue what I want to be. 

I got a haircut today, and I went to the only place that I know of in town.  I failed to look at the prices, and got a $35 haircut.  I feel so mad/guilty.  My hair looks nice, but not $35 nice.

I hosted a dinner party solo last night. Corbin had to stay on campus to study last night, but we were scheduled to have the missionaries over. Since male missionaries aren't allowed in the home if there isn't an 18 year old man (or older) man there, I needed to do some fancy footwork.  The Gullys were nice enough to come have dinner with us- thanks for being 18 or older Darin! It was real fun, a bit crazy with the babies running around, and quite delicious.  Leslie made yuuuuuummy cookie bars.  I'm pretty sure each missionary had like 5. 

This morining, the lovely Leslie and Ava invited Theo and I to the pumpkin patch.  Here are only a sample of picture of the fun things we saw and did.  Enjoy!

 Sweet goat cat walk thing that went over the walking path.  I was a little afraid they would poop on us.
 Beautiful peacock, sans loooong tail.
Neat Spiderman pumpkin, that I dedicate to Lucy Flanagan.
This isn't from this morning, and I know he's making a weird face, but look at those mittens!  I can't believe a) he let me put them on his hands, and b) he kept them there.  I love this man!

And I just realized he has completely demolished and entangled my ball of yarn.  Be back later.

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