Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cotton Swabs, Chickens, and Pie

Yesterday, I got my cheek swabbing kit from the Be the Match registry. By sending in my cheek cells, my name and type (or whatever... I'm no doctor) will be put on the national list for being a bone marrow donor.  Thanks to Whitney for pointing me to this, because it sounds like such a cool opportunity to save someone's life!

As I was saying, I swabbed my cheeks, and Theo thought that was pretty cool.  So I got him some Q-tips of his own and he put it in his envelope.  What a cute helper!

Last weekend we visited Corbin's band mates' home.  They live on a miniature farm, which is awesome.  Theo screamed and screamed with excitement when he saw the sheep.  That put them a bit on edge, but the boy sheep was only too happy to come over when we had delicious alfalfa pellets to feed him.  Theo thought they were pretty tasty too.

They also caught one of their chickens to show Theo.  He was very gentle to the creatures, which was a proud mommy moment for me.  He ended up herding the chickens around though, in an attempt to catch one himself.

There were all sorts of fun instruments to test out.  When he sat down to the drums, he laid himself a beat and sang us a beautiful song (pictured above). Nice deep guttural aaahhhs, so cute!

We went home with fun memories, plus a bag of delights from their garden.  They were so accommodating and sweet! Theo and I will have to accompany Corbin to band practice, just to visit the farm again.

On Sunday night, we held church choir at our house, and it turned into a regular party!  Our pianist brought adorable little pies to share... grape pies!  Apparently that is a New York thing, so she had to try it for herself and share. 

When Theo caught wind that there were treats nearby, he stood in the kitchen crying, "paaa, paaaaa!" until he got his serving.  He obviously loved it, and was purple for at least 24 hours.

After choir was over, most everyone stayed to hang out.  Kristy recited out of our Halloween jokes book.  Example: What's the difference between a ghost and peanut butter?  Ghosts don't get stuck to the roof of your mouth!  A real knee slapper.

Also, we had been discussing West Wing (the show) with our new best friends the Passeys, so they brought along the first season on DVD, and we watched a couple episodes.  I'd seen many episodes before, but not these.  I'm glad they took the DVDs back to their house, because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, and I would have watched it all in like two days.  Thanks for looking out for my productivity, Passeys!

Taffetas update: we worked out choreography for our medley performance that will be on Saturday.  Now we just need to polish it up, and bam! We'll be up on stage!  It's turning out well, and I'm loving it!!!

1 comment:

teridmama said...

lots of fun activities! Love to you all! See you soon! Can't wait to hear how the performance goes!