Wednesday, October 11, 2006

horray for halloween!

I can't wait for Halloween. There is a dance on Friday, and Roxy is going as a beauty queen, and I am going as a flapper. We are going to wear each other's dresses, and it is going to be fabulous. Last night, at like 11, I decided I wanted to play around and put on flapper makeup, whatever that is (it ended up being about 5 punds), then of course I had to put on the dress. And since I was putting on Roxy's dress, she had to put on my dress. Then we had to go look at ourelves in the full length mirror in the hallway and take pictures. Then Roxy let me talk her into letting me do her makeup and hair, and I must say, she looked even more beautiful than she normally does. It was a kind of a "if you give a mouse a cookie" ordeal. Maybe we shouldn't have done it becasue it was so late, and we were almost late to out 8 o'clock classes today, but I don't care. We had a rockin' good time, and now we know how fab we are going to look on Friday. It will be sososososososossosososoosososo fun! What are you going as?

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